Wednesday 22 October 2008

RSC Fundraising Gala - 28 October 2008

The RSC are holding a fundraising gala on Tuesday 28 October 2008 at the Lawrence Hall, Greycoat Street, Victoria, London. The evening will feature performances from various RSC actors, past and present, including:
"From the sell-out Histories season: Chuk Iwuji will be performing a speech from Henry VI Part III, Geoffrey Streatfeild reprises his role as Henry V in a scene with Alexia Healy and Hannah Barrie, and Jonathan Slinger brings back to life his critically acclaimed Richard II. Other members of Histories ensemble will be re-creating their exhilarating fight scenes within the dramatic backdrop of the Art Deco Lawrence Hall."
There will also be a selection of other performances, an auction of wonderful things, and an array of other RSC alumni in attendance, including Maureen Beattie, Miles Richardson, and Clive Wood. Tickets are still available for the not inconsiderable sum of £800 (sadly that's not a typo).

For more information, check out the press release!

Thank you, Annabelle and Carol. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*wishes she had £800 handy* Ah, well, at least somebody gets to see those performances again.

I visit this site more often than I comment, so wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your work in keeping us up to date on our heroes.